Sunday, July 28, 2013

This morning we all filed into the church service, and I know that at least I was not sure of what to expect. There was beautiful flute music playing in the background while we situated ourselves among the locals. We filled those pews end to end with our large crew! Pastor Deborah informed us that we would be singing many of the hymns in Navajo, and while assuring us that the Navajo language is mostly phonetic, did give us a quick lesson in the sounds that were a little harder. We boosted our confidence by starting out with Jesus Loves Me (Jesus ayoo’asho’ni). I loved that Pastor Deborah blended all of us in the church together so well by letting Judy do the first reading, Matt do the responsive reading, and having other members of the congregation stand to read certain passages in Navajo. I was excited to see that included in the gospel was my own confirmation verse! “So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.” - Luke 11:9. Hearing it read in Navajo as well seemed very surreal and I quite enjoyed it. Monsoon season has fallen upon the reservation and kept us cooler than expected inside the church, while we also got to enjoy the soothing pitter-patter of raindrops outside the windows. The service even paused momentarily for one Navajo man to say “Thank you, God, for this rain”. The reservation has been put in a state of emergency due to drought, so this has been much needed for the people of Rock Point.

Pastor Deborah’s sermon was spectacular. She focused a lot on the prayer we are taught in Luke. “He said to them, “When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone indebted to us. And do not bring us to the time of trial.” - Luke 11:2-4. Don’t give God a list of requests. Oftentimes we pray in desperation, and beg. Bring him your problems and desires, and then say “thy will be done”. She told us one story that ended in “Don’t give God instructions, report for duty.” I think this is important especially for our team this week, that we remember that we are here to report for duty and serve our Navajo brothers and sisters while exploring cultures foreign to us.

Pastor Deborah reminded us that it was not too long ago when Christianity and the government had wreaked havoc on the Native Americans, committing genocide and forcing children into boarding schools that robbed them of their culture. They cannot separate their culture from spirituality, and were presented with a misrepresentation of the gospel that was hurtful to their communities. God is and was present on the reservation and this can now be the age of reconciliation and healing in a broken place. The good news of Christ is filled with love and grace, and I believe that Pastor Deborah and Pastor Lynn are able to show that to the Native American people. I believe they are truly appreciated for what they do and will continue to do for their community.

There is a quilt hanging inside of the church with many different panels full of beautiful images and inspiring quotes. One of my favorite panels has the phrase “blessed to bless”. I think that we are so very blessed to be put in a position where we are able to travel and host a VBS for children that oftentimes do not even have electricity or running water. We are here to show God’s love and grace and we are blessed to bless.


Jodi Clark

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